Goodbye Jekyll, hello Bridgetown!

#jekyll edit this page

We have been using Jekyll for our little site since 2016. It was fast, simple, it did it’s job nicely. Bridgetown does all the same things, and much more. It’s Jekyll’s modern cousin.

We have used GitHub pages to host our site as it integrates nicely with Jekyll. I have long wanted to play with Cloudflare pages, so I decided to upgrade the site and move it over to Cloudflare in the progress.

How to run Bridgetown on Cloudflare pages?

Well, it’s easy enough, we just have to things to consider:

  1. Include a .node-version file because Cloudflare pages defaults to 12.18.0 and bridgetown requires a version newer than 14
  2. Set the BRIDGETOWN_ENV environment variable to production

To tell Cloudflare pages to use a newer version of node, I created the file .node-version with the content 16.16.0 in the root directory of my repository. Just like with Jekyll, the base is a GitHub repository. All that’s left to do is sign in to Cloudflare and create a new pages project. I sign in to my GitHub account from Cloudflare, select the repository and enter the following information:

Build command: bin/bridgetown deploy Build output directory: output Environment variable: BRIDGETOWN_ENV production


Cloudflare redirects

We have used Jekyll’s jekyll-redirect-from plugin to create redirects for some URLs. It seems bridgetown does not yet have a plugin for that, so I used Cloudflare page’s _redirect file instead. I created a file with the name _redirect in the src folder of my bridgetown project. The content of the file is like this:

/a/very/long/url/path /shorturl 301

You can read more in the docs

I used the following few lines of powershell code to find Jekyll’s redirect_from statements in my source folder, convert them into slugs, and add them to the _redirect file.

Get-ChildItem ./src/ -Recurse -Filter *.md | Select-String -pattern "redirect_from" | ForEach-Object {
    $p = $_.path
    $n = $_.filename
    $l = $_.line
    # remove date and extension from filename as slug contains neither
    if($n -match "^\d{4}-"){
        $n = $n -replace "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-","" 
    $n = $n -replace ".md",""
    $name = $n.ToLower()

    # find parent path and create slug
    $p = Split-Path -Path $p -Parent | Split-Path -Leaf
        "_OnlineHelp" { $slug = "/powershell/$name" }
        "Archive" { $slug = "/post/$name" }
        "_Modules" { $slug = "/powershell/$name" }
        "_Scripts" { $slug = "/powershell/$name" }
        "_posts" { $slug = "/post/$name" }

    # write _redirects file
    $l -replace "redirect_from: ","" | ConvertFrom-Json | ForEach-Object {
        "$_ $slug 301"
} | Set-Content ./src/_redirects