Achtung: Diese Scripts sind Beispiele, sie sind nicht für die Verwendung in Produktivsystemen gedacht! Die Autoren von können keine Haftung für eventuelle Schäden durch diese Scripts übernehmen.
Exchange: Set SimpleDisplayName on all Mailboxes where this Attribute is empty; change characters like ö to oe; send E-Mail if script fails
1: Import-Module 'C:\Users\daniel nitz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Exchange\RemotePowerShell\ex2k10.domain.local\ex2k10.domain.local.psm1'
3: $Mailboxes = get-Mailbox | where {$_.SimpleDisplayName -eq ""}
4: if($Mailboxes -ne $null)
5: {
6: try {
7: ForEach ($Mailbox in $Mailboxes)
8: {
9: $NameString = $Mailbox.Name
10: if($NameString -match "ü")
11: {
12: $NameString = ($NameString -replace "ü","ue")
13: }
14: if($NameString -match "ä")
15: {
16: $NameString = ($NameString -replace "ä","ae")
17: }
18: if($NameString -match "ö")
19: {
20: $NameString = ($NameString -replace "ö","oe")
21: }
22: Set-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox.Name -SimpleDisplayName ($NameString + " - COMPANY")
23: }
24: } Catch {
25: Send-MailMessage -to daniel.nitz@domain.local -Subject "Exchange Shell Script Error" -from ex2k10@domain.local -SmtpServer ex2k10.domain.local
26: }
27: }
Exchange: Set Out of Office Assistent on Mailboxes where the “Office” property isn´t empty
1: Import-Module 'C:\Users\daniel nitz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Exchange\RemotePowerShell\ex2k10.domain.local\ex2k10.domain.local.psm1'
3: $Mailboxes = get-Mailbox | where {$_.Office -ne ""}
4: try {
5: $OOFTextExternal = ${E:\OOF-Text\External-Text.txt}
6: $OOFTextInternal = ${E:\OOF-Text\Internal-Text.txt}
8: ForEach ($Mailbox in $Mailboxes)
9: {
10: Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity $Mailbox.Name -AutoReplyState scheduled -StartTime "2011.01.21T07:00" -EndTime "2011.01.21T19:00" -ExternalAudience All -ExternalMessage $OOFTextExternal -InternalMessage $OOFTextInternal
11: }
12: } Catch { Send-MailMessage -to daniel.nitz@domain.local -Subject "Exchange Shell Script Error" -from ex2k10@domain.local -SmtpServer ex2k10.domain.local
13: }