Convert PowerShell Help to a Website

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How to use the platyPS PowerShell module to convert comment-based help to markdown and easily host it on GitHub pages.

Now you might have read that our blog is powered by Jekyll, which is a static-site generator that turns markdown files into html. So, obviously, if I would be able to convert PowerShell help content to markdown files, I could simply put them into a folder an serve them via the blog.

Create markdown files

The first step is to install platyPS (available on the PS Gallery) and create the markdown files for every function.

Install-Module platyPS
Import-Module platyPS, TAK, PSSpeech

foreach ($cmdlet in (Get-Command -Module PSSpeech)) { 
    $h = Get-Help $($cmdlet.Name)
    $meta = @{
        'layout' = 'pshelp';
        'author' = 'tto';
        'title' = $($cmdlet.Name);
        'category' = $($cmdlet.ModuleName.ToLower());
        'excerpt' = "`"$($h.Synopsis)`"";
        'date' = $(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd);
        'redirect_from' = "[`"/PowerShell/$($cmdlet.ModuleName)/$($cmdlet.Name)/`", `"/PowerShell/$($cmdlet.ModuleName)/$($cmdlet.Name.ToLower())/`", `"/PowerShell/$($cmdlet.Name.ToLower())/`"]"
    if($h.Synopsis -notmatch "\[|\]") {
        New-MarkdownHelp -Command $cmdlet -OutputFolder .\_OnlineHelp\a -Metadata $meta -Force 

The above example creates a .md help file for every function in the TAK module. The files are almost ready to be used by our Jekyll-powered blog, I’m using the -Metadata parameter to add some additional information to the ‘front matter’ of each file.

I could be using New-MarkdownHelp -Module TAK but that way, I was not able to include the metadata automatically.

Rename files for Jekyll

The only thing that I have to do now, in order to have Jekyll pick up the files and create websites, is to rename them accordingly.

foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem '.\tak-md-help\*.md')) {
    $timestamp = (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
    $NewName = $timestamp, $ -join '-'
    Rename-Item -Path $file.FullName -NewName $NewName

The above example renames all *.md files in the tak-md-help folder to include a timestamp. This step is not necessary if you are using a collection in Jekyll.

Include HelpUri

The Get-Help command has an -Online parameter, that can be used to easily open a related link when looking for help. To include this functionality in my scripts, I just have to put the URL of the online article in the [CmdletBinding()] statement, like so:

[CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]

That’s it :)
